
What would cause a dog to l**k at and chew at the walls and doorways?

by Guest63300  |  earlier

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How can I change this behavior?




  1. It's mostly boredom. get him/her more toys. take him/her for longer walks u want to wear him/her out .  

  2. 100% agree its boredom.  you need to tire this dog out.. long walks work wonders.  play with him out in the yard (balls and frisbees are awesome).  even if you cant pay attention to him all the time, rawhides can keep him busy.  they even have things called busy balls (but dont give TOO often as they are just treats, but they will at least take them a while to get to)

  3. Boredom is usually the cause of this. My shepherd does this once in awhile. Just make sure the dog has lots of toys to keep his mind occupied. Working with the dog in obedience or agility is a great way to keep their mind stimulated. Hope this helps! Best of luck!

  4. Boredom, or perhaps a bit of an OCD behavoir.

    You can try a pet deterrent like "bitter apple" or spicy pepper sauce on your walls and doorways.

    Also, try more exercies, and training if it's boredom based!

  5. I agree with the boredom issue. If this doesn't seem to cut this behavior, have the dog checked out. I knew a dog that was obsessed with l*****g the walls and it ended up having a tumor with epilepsy. Which caused this behavior. Try 30-45 minutes of physical activity with you as the pack leader and give the dog lots of chew toys. This should do the trick!

  6. is it while you're not home? it might have separation anxiety if it's when you aren't home. if you are home then give it lots of attention it's probably just bored

  7. sounds like he wants to play more walk him and get him some toys

  8. Most dogs do this for Territorial reasons or lack of chew toys.  You need to punish bad behavior a squirt bottle and a sharp no is a good start, and reward good behavior by giving them a rawhide or a bone or a ball when they do something good.

    Use vinegar to clean the walls, there may be  a scent like meat juice that got wiped but the smell is still there.  Vinegar tastes bad and to dog won't want to l**k it for long.


    REMEDY = lots more physical exercise and some obedience classes for mental stimulation

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