
What would cause every muscle in your body to cramp up?

by  |  earlier

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Before you say too much exercising , or strenuous work, that is not the cause.




  1. Lack of potassium


    a lot of things

  2. 1. dehydration and lack of electrolytes in your system

    2. low blood sugar

    3. phone call from my ex wife

  3. death...

  4. This can some times be contributed from the lack of hydration.Your body could also be suffering from a shortage of potassium.You may want to consider eating a couple of banannas each day with a glass of orange juice which will aid in bringing your potassium levels up.A good multi-funtion vitamin daily would not hurt either.If the pain and cramps continue,you may consider taking 4 ibuprofen every 6 hours not exceeding more than 16 in a 24 hour period and no more than 3 days.Ibuprofen will help aid in the decreasing of any inflammation in the body and 4 of them is equal to a prescripton strength of 800 mg.If the pain and cramps still continue then i advise you to consult with your family doctor.

    Stress and exercise can contribute to muscle cramps but it is usually not the case unless you are doing something to overwork your body that it is not use to.

  5. dehydration.

  6. dehydration, drink more water and some Gatorade

  7. dehydration

    im on adderal and it makes you dehydrated no matter how much freakin water you drink its SO annoying i could drink a gallon of water during the day and while im sleeping ill wake up with the worst freakin charlie horses you could imagine in all my leg muscles


    ive turned to G2 by gatoraid

    BECAUSE it has Electrolytes the #1 thing ur body needs when your dehydrated.. try that

    i drink a bottle a day

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