There is one spot (right in-between two of my incisors) that gives me a very sharp pain when a toothbrush bristle pokes it. I figured it was just a minor infection, that would go away, but it's been like that for almost a year now, so now I don't know what it is. Yeah, I know I need to go to the dentist (my yearly check-up is next month), but for now I was just wondering what some of you might think it is. I can't see it, either because the spot is behind my teeth. And, it will sometimes bleed if I hit it real good. So...
1) is this normal?
2) what could be the cause?
3) is mouth cancer a possibility? lol
Also, I brush twice a day and use a "whitening" pre-rinse mouthwash with alcohol and peroxide, and a fluoride mouthwash after brushing.