
What would cause hct and hgb to drop but the retic to fall within normal range?

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3yrs. old and has had this condition for over a year now.

Thanks for your answers




  1. The retic is normal in this case because the child's body is not responding properly for being anemic. Based on the hct, hct and retic count it is probably a normocytic anemia. The child is also thrombocytopenic (low platelet count), so that may merit a bone marrow evaluation for aplastic anemia, marrow infiltration, myelodysplastic anemia, etc. Also, bring a copy of the CBC to another pathologist and get a second opinion if you think that the current one isn't competent

  2. Hct (hematocrit) and Hgb (hemoglobin) are indicators of how many mature red blood cells are there.  The reticulocyte count is looking at how many new RBCs are being made--reticulocytes are immature red blood cells.

    You need to talk to the child's pediatrician or whichever doctor has run these tests--there's no way to tell just by the general trends on these tests exactly what's going on.  A low Hct and Hbc sounds like anemia, and it's a little concerning if the retic count is not raised in response, but without knowing the actual numbers or anything else, I can only make a general statement--if it *is* anemia, there's no way to say what's causing it.

    Please, if this is about your child, talk to the pediatrician and ask what they think is going on.

  3. if retic count is normal the body is still producing cells but they are not healthy or productive. with a hgb of 5.8 why isnt your child in the hospital. transfusions are necessary at 8. that is scary.

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