
What would cause more harm, having too little CO2 in the atmosphere or too much??

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If we have too much plant life should increase to absorb it.

If too little plant life will die with us soon to follow.




  1. Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

  2. I don't think we have or could have to much plant life. We simply are cutting it all down, and more than humans needing it, animals do. It is their home.

  3. According to wikipedia the suffocation point for plant life is at around 300 parts per million. We're now at 383 ppm so we have a nice cushion, though some claim it's actually a big problem. And plants thrive in greenhouses with concentrations of 1000 ppm of CO2 so anyone who argues they don't benefit just needs to go to a greenhouse and take a look. They survive 10,000 ppm concentrations that kill off insects, we couldn't survive that level however.

    So yes, before the Industrial Revolution, we were dipping below 300 ppm which was a precarious situation for us. Now we're adding too much CO2 and we need to cut it back soon and stop adding any at all after that. But it's not a crisis that threatens us, it's the solutions from the IPCC and proposed legislation and treaties that pose a bigger threat. If you bankrupt the Western economies, the whole world will suffer as a result, with casualties 1000s of times higher than would result from global warming.

    Planting trees is a trade-off. They do absorb CO2 while they're growing and keep it locked up until they're burned or decay. But they also emit methane which is a much more potent greenhouse gas. If you want to help stop global warming, the best things to do is to stop eating beef and rice, cattle emit methane, rice fields emit methane and excess nitrous oxide. Driving your car is essentially neutral for warming since your exhaust causes dimming, another word for cooling, in about the same quantity as the CO2 it emits causes warming.

  4. Both are bad.

    But no one is trying to reduce CO2 below natural levels, which are what we need.

    Plants can't absorb the excess CO2 we're emitting.  The data shows that clearly.

    Look at this graph.

    The little squiggles are nature doing its' thing. CO2 falls a bit during summer when plants are active, and rises during the winter. The huge increase is us, burning fossil fuels. The scientists can actually show that the increased CO2 in the air comes from burning fossil fuels by using "isotopic ratios" to identify that CO2.  The natural carbon cycle buried carbon in fossil fuels over a very long time, little bit by little bit. We dig them up and burn them, real fast.  That's a problem.

    Man is upsetting the balance of nature.  We need to fix that.

  5. Too little would kill all life on the planet.

    To much only fertilizes plant life. Higher amounts would be beneficial.

  6. I don't think either are bad, it will either become the limiting factor in plant life and control the potential of each species and if there was too much, then there would be lost of trees (without including the negative impact of people).  They will only be harmful if either of them occur too fast, like global warming. It's happening to rapidly that animal, plants and people don't have a chance to adjust.

  7. I really think that anyone that thinks that global warming is just a scandal, can go look at some facts and not go blabbering on something that there not sure of.

            Yes, the earth does go through hot and cold phases. There is no doubt about that. if you go look at some statistic charts, you'll see that there is a huge incline of temperature and CO2. The only reason that some people think that there is no global warming is that the cycle of the Earth barely lowered the temperature in 2003.

            the reason that it might be snowing up there in the UK, is because maybe your at a higher elevation. i dont know that for a fact, but there is still a possibility. And still, burning fuels also contribute to the acidity of the rain. the UK has one of the worst cases of acid rain. how would you like it if you return home to find bloody ulcers on your face. Yah... STOP BURNING FOSSIL FUELS, GO HYDRO!!!!!!!

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