
What would cause my puppy to puke? Please help?

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I have a 6 month old male Shih tzu and he just puked up white stuff. He did this the other day too. What would cause this? Is there something I should give him?




  1. well my pupy has done the same thing... if he has no other symptoms he probably is not sick.. when my puppy does this it looks like white foamy stuff.. sometimes its just because his stomach is upset or he ate too fast.. but if it persists take him to the vet.. or just call them and ask.

  2. The white stuff you see him vomiting is stomach acid. Grass will make a dog vomit but no one knows why they eat it. He probably just has a mild Gastro-Intestinal upset. I would give him smaller meals throughout the day so his stomach can handle it easier.

  3. all dogs vomit from time to time and as they eat such extraordinary things it is just as well that they do . they also tend to vomit when they have overeaten .eating grass to induce vomiting is often an indication that your dog is unwell,so keep a close   eye on him .if the dog has been vomiting . leave him to rest in a quiet place and with hold  food for 24 hours ,apart from little water. then reintroduce food slowly , choosing bland food such as chiken and rice.once recovered he can returne to his normal diet.

    if he canot stop vomiting and continues to do so after fasting or if blood present ,take him to the vet immediatlyas it may be seriouse.

  4. This is usually common with dogs and puppies for various reasons. However, if he does it multiple times, I would call a vet just to be safe. More than likely he had a sour stomach and took care of things himself. Sometimes they get a mucus build up much like people with sinus problems do.

    The best thing to do is watch him and make sure there aren't any drastic changes in habits.

  5. If all vaccinations are up to date then it is probably just a mild stomach malady that is of no concern. This is common in puppies and he will outgrow it. It can sometimes be helped by feeding smaller meals throughout the day instead of one or two big meals. If it only happened twice then I wouldn't worry about it.

  6. At the moment in the UK (not sure if you're here) there seems to have been a lot of slugs and snails about, you're dog may have picked one up and this would cause tummy problems. Give it a day or two, and if he still is being sick or having diarrhoea then a trip to the vet is probably a good idea.

    Good luck :]


  8. Just call a vet, pointless asking on here. There about 100 million reasons a dog might bring up bile. It may have bugger all to do with eating grass and leaves etc, you need to discuss this with a VET


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