
What would cause my spouse to gain 100 pounds?

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when we have been married for 13 years and she use to be thin her entire life? She is beautiful,tall and blonde. Could she be unhappy?




  1. Every 7 years a persons metabolism changes...hers may have slowed down. If you keep consuming food the same way and your met gain weight. Its more about how active you stay active and how you burn food or store fat.  

  2. Thyroid problem or other medical issue, children, boredom, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, depression, age (over 30 gains a 10 lb increase and that's normal for women). Could be lots of things but one thing that will happen is once you stop feeling good about yourself the weight just keeps on coming. She needs to want to lose weight. She needs to join a gym with a friend to feel better about herself. Trust me she is well aware of her weight gain and already probably beats herself up over it. Be supportive and never tell her she has to lose weight for you. Feeling like you are disappointed in her and you aren't in love with her will only make her feel worse.  

  3. it could be cause she is unhappy are she just love to eat.or stress

  4. I think you need to have more s*x...makes a woman smile and feel good about herself...Good exercise at it's best!

  5. maybe... is could be dues to emotional eating.. check with her, what's bothering her.

  6. There is a reason she has gained that weight.  Depression and boredom can cause among many other things.  Talk to her about it, just be VERY careful on how you bring it up.  Try and be sensitive.....ok?

  7. yes she could be unhappy, but she could also be very comfortable! Maybe you should talk to her, or suggest that the both of you start running, or bike riding!

  8. Pardon my answer, but to me it sounds like she cheated on you, and she can't forgive herself, and she can't bring herself tell you the truth. So now she's punishing herself by gaining too much weight. It happened to a friend of mine. It took lots of therapy, and a very loving and forgiving husband to bring her out of it.

  9. depression will cause weight gain.

  10. Could be. Maybe not. You have just discovered one of the definitions of marriage:

    An arrangement between a woman who expects a man to change but he doesn't, and a man who expects a woman not to change but she does.

    Can you ask her out of concern for her? If you asked here before asking her, probably not. Too bad.  

  11. How old is she?  As hormones change over life, weight is harder to keep off.  If she is over 40, there is a chance menopause has affected her hormones - most women going through menopause struggle with weight.  My mum was thin all her life and once she hit 40, she had to diet for the first time in her life.  Me, I am 39, and I am the heaviest I've ever been (but I don't worry yet, because I'm still only 59kg).

    Thyroid problems and hormonal problems can account for a lot of weight gain in women.  It is not necessarily their fault, but they need to see a doctor.

    The other thing I am aware of is food intolerances (not allergies, but intolerance) can cause a lot of weight problems.  This is usually combined with other symptoms likes aches and pains, tiredness, cravings, and more.

    I would suggest talking to her about it, and encouraging her to see someone.  Whatever you do, make sure she knows you love her regardless, but that you are concerned about her health, and would like to make sure she is happy.

    Oh, and how many children has she had in this time - some women find it very difficult to lose weight after pregnancy, and once again, this can be a hormonal problem.

    Yes, there is also the very real possibility she is unhappy, but it may not be about you.  Hormonal issues can also cause unhappiness, the same ones that cause the weight problems.  And then the gaining of weight can cause a spiraling effect of unhappiness - I have seen it in close friends.

    Be a friend to her right now :).

  12. She may be unhappy or just comfortable enough to think you'll be okay with it since you love her. Emotional eating is a serious problem if that's what it is with her.

  13. I saw a lot of excuses in the answers on here, but think about, she was thin her entire life while she was looking for a husband, and now that she has one, she's gained an enormous amount of weight.  

    The reason is laziness.

    That might not be nice, but it's true.  She had no problems before, but now she feels she can pork up and you will either deal with it or you can choose to possibly lose half your assets AND pay her alimony for the rest of her life.  

  14. You would be unhappy if you gained 100lbs. I can't say what caused the weight gain. Have you talked to her about maybe joining the gym? Do it with her so that she doesn't feel like you are calling her fat. She could be depressed, it could be age and the fact that her metabolism could have slowed down, it could be that she stays at home and gets bored could be depression. Gaining weight has lots of different causes..just support her and try to have a candid talk with her about how she is doing these days. Good luck.

  15. You don't mention the time frame she gained the weight in.  If it's been a short term gain, she could have a medical problem that needs to be addressed.  If her gain has been steadily climbing the past couple years, she's overeating and underactive - both could sure be caused by depression.  If she mentions she'd like to join a weight loss group - like Jenny Craig - support her in her decision to go.  The goals there are small and the personal counseling is excellent and motivating.  

  16. she figures she`s  got you you have been together for a long time, and you wont leave her just for a few pd`s. I know  you said 100 pds but all of that didn't  appear over night it took a long time even yrs to gain that much weight. so either your going to have to deal with it and work with her or leave her and she losses the weight from more depression, finds another man doing things she told you she won`t do and your all alone.

  17. I am not a doctor...just a mom but have seen this happen to friends of mine over the years.  It could be a health problem...such a Thyroid, or something else, or depression.  Ask her...maybe that will help to find a way for you to help her.  I am pretty sure she is not happy with herself and that alone is not good.    Let her know you care and that you will help her in any way you can.  Hope it works. Good luck. mags+

  18. It could be. People often let themselves go when they are depressed.  Just don't harp on her about.  Be encouraging.  I lost 78 lbs. with Weight Watchers, but I had to decide to do it on my own.  No one else could have talked me into it.

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