What would cause a constant "cough" sensation, accompanied by frequent burping, some sensations of "difficulty swallowing", fatigue, powdery/murky inconsistent bowel movements, a white/yellow coated tongue, sinus symptoms, bad breath that only I can smell (worse in the morning), and heart palpitations after trying Gin for the first time in the form of half a bottle?
The symptoms have lasted 2 months (since June 6th).
Do not presume or guess any type of "acid reflux/"GERD"/"LPR". I have tried tons of PPI's and Antacids from the doctor with no relief, thus it is not an acid problem. Endoscopy was negative showing only a small 3-4 cm sliding hiatal hernia. Symptoms were sudden, so hernia is believed to be benign and very small (not causing my problems).
Allergies were ruled out, along with any lung abnormalities.
Looking for answers.
(Stats: 21, male, 6'2, 222 pounds).