
What would cause this?

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My 6 year old daughter was sick two weeks ago with a stomach bug. She was running a fever and vomiting. She was sick for two days with this. Well since then every two or three days she starts running fever for about 12 hours. I have taken her to the doctor and he says "just a virus"

Has anyone gone through this or have any ideas on what to do?




  1. Hi there.  Don't you just love the "just a virus" speech from the pediatrician?!  As annoying as it is to hear that from them (because they aren't the ones staying up all night and cleaning up the vomit and stuff) I would trust their decision.  It's kind of generic in that they don't go to all the trouble to figure out which type of virus that it is, etc. and we want to do whatever we can to help our kids get better and know more information.

    Anyway, sorry for the rant, LOL.  My son had something similar about a month or so ago.  The fever lasted off and on for about a week by itself after he was done with the stomach bug.  Perhaps there is still part of the virus in her system and her body goes into attack mode and causes a fever.  I would suggest the "norm" as in pushing extra fluids and not heavy or spicy meals.  Try not to give her any fever reducing medicine unless it gets to be 102 or higher and shows no sign of going down.  This way her body can learn to fight off the "enemies" without suppressing the fever if it is not very high.  Our bodies do this as a natural defense mechanism.  Also, try to boost her immune system with vitamins if she doesn't take them normally.  EmergenC works wonders with the immune system and is all natural and vitamins and safe for kids her age.

    Hopefully her energy and everything will improve over the next week.  If it persists longer than that, be sure to follow up with the doctor's office and INSIST that they run labs on her to help determine the type of virus.  Good luck and hope this helps a bit!

  2. I know it is tough when the little ones are sick, but hang in there. I think her body is fighting off new viruses that are coming her way. If the fever only lasts for 12 hours, it sounds like her body is doing it's job to fight the crud. Just try to keep her comfortable and hydrated.

  3. That doesn't sound normal to me either. I would get a second opinion or try and looking it up on WebMd. I guess it would depend on if her fevers were high/low. She is obviously trying to fight something off, but I dont think it is a virus. good luck

  4. Did she get a flu vaccine.  They are reportedly only 70% effective this year.  Maybe she has a mild flu, or back to back flu's but they are mild because of the vaccine.  I am sure she will feel better soon.

  5. Yes that is normal.

  6. You need a second opinion quick fever is a sign of infection, sounds like her body is having a tough time getting rid of it
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