
What would/could a telekinetic kid do?

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I'm writing a story about a telekinetic child and I'm wondering what kind of curious things a kid with such powers could do.

-Make his toys fly

-walk on his bath

-make the water from the shower go up


Ideas are welcome.




  1. I imagine it would be a more subtle power and take an effort to perform with objects of low mass close to the kid.

    Something like making pencils roll up a slanted desk at school.

    Throw playing cards and make them land in a hat.

    I think the kid would be using the power for selfish and amusing reasons, especially when he learns that this power is unique, as he wouldnt know any better.

    Maybe small pranks, showing off to his friends.

    Maybe manipulate thrown dice outcomes.

    In most movies and stories they make them do big things, but I to perform telekinesis, one would actually have to bend the fabric of space, which I believe would take a decent amount of effort and concentration.

    It would definitly be effected by mass, since telekinesis would involve creating a gravitational force, which is dependant on mass.

  2. The posibilitys are endless! From using his mind to pour the milk on his cereal to pinching an artery in a persons head to kill them!

    Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate objects with a mere thought, and we are surrounded by objects wherever we go!

    Read Fire starter by Steven King, while the power the kid has is different, it should give you some insite.

  3. lift the girl's dress up next to him, in class, parking lot, you name it

  4. watch the movie "Powder", it expains a little about telekinesis.

  5. Best of luck with your book! Just a comment that some of the examples you've given could fall into a couple of other categories: poltergeist activity and possession.

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