
What would earth be like if the green house effect did not exist?

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green house effect has to do with science




  1. We are here because of green house effect. This has been going on for 400 million years. Scientist say polar glaciers were down to the mid-west area of the U.S. all around the globe. Over the history of the world, before man was here and the continents were one, green house effect started to melt the ice. The caps have melted to their current location over the last 400 million years. We have been making "carbon" gases for only 120 some odd years, long after most the ice melted, leading me to believe, global warming in 90% natural,and 10% man made.

  2. Climate scientists call it snowball Earth. The oceans would be frozen all the way to the equator.

  3. The greenhouse effect - as a natural system helps change the climate over thousands of years of time, if the human induced climate changes were factored out somehow, we would be heading towards having an ice age.

    If there were NO CO2 in the atmosphere at all, depending on the geography of the planet, (where mountain ranges exist or create colder conditions), run-away effects can perhaps more easily occur in the direction of cold-deep freezes.

    According to one theory of ancient Earth history, this actually happened about 250 million years ago, a large-very high mountain-range cut off the wind-flow from the equator to the poles and forced cold air and snow to accumulate in a runaway effect causing the entire surface of the earth to become a glacier , it's called the "snowball" Earth theory, but was related to a peculiar event in geological history as well as climate history.

    This is based on the historical "pre-human" changes over time, (the last several hundred thousand years) have a continuous cycle of ice-ages and warm periods each lasting somewhere around 10-20 thousand years, the last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago.

    Adding in human induced changes - we are in a situation where not only is it likely to get warmer - we likely stopped the next ice-age.

    The concern you get into really quickly is that climate is so complex that you end up having to guess as to the most "likely" situation rather than any "definite" situation in the future.

  4. christmas for the rest of your life...

  5. You would freeze!!!

  6. if the greenhouse effect did not exist, it would be much colder.  The atmosphere wouldnt be able to hold heat at night when the sun isnt facing it either.  I think I read it would be 0 degrees (F) on a warm sunny day on earth without the greenhouse effect.  Even colder at night.

    The most effective greenhouse gas in our atmosphere is water vapor.  It is responsible for the majority of the greenhouse effect on earth.  Water holds heat, and cools slowly.  Water vapor is the same way.

  7. The world would be a different place--a place without life on the surface.

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