
What would earth be like it if was as big as the sun?

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im guessing it woudlnt be very crowded?

how much bigger is the sun than the earth?




  1. Well Gravity would be IMMENSE for one so I wouldn't think life would be alive as we see it as today.

    Maybe some sort of jelly creatures but doubt any of "us".

  2. 156 Million Earths can fit into the sun.

    Yeah, that is true that the Earth wouldn't be very crowded and over populated. If Earth was as big as the sun and it looked like the Earth today then there would be so much land and water and natural resources.

    Unfortunately, the bad thing about that would be there would be so much gravity and we wouldn't be able to move. Remember, the bigger the planet the more mass and more weight you hold. Think of Jupiter and how much gravity it has. It tells you that Sun has a lot gravity too.

  3. if the earth is as big as the sun it would be extremely cold on one side and the other hot as h**l on the other                

    and it would take a million earths to fill up the sun

  4. The Sun has a volume of 1,300,000 Earths, and a surface area of 11,900 Earths. There would be much more room, for definite. However, a person weighing 50 kg on Earth would weigh 1,500 kg on a Sun-size planet (Weight Watchers, anyone?). We'd be crushed by our own weight.

  5. about 156 million earths can fit in the sun so there would be no way you could see the entire earth

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