
What would explain fluctuating testosterone levels?

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My husband's testosterone level was 192 two weeks ago. We did a follow-up test exactly a week later and it came up as 709. What would explain this huge fluctuation. He's 31, otherwise healthy and not on any medications.




  1. testosterone is manufactured as men sleep at night...the level in the morning should be around 700....just as he wakes with a hefty the day goes on s*x and exercise eats away at the levels in the blood so by bedtime the level is 200

  2. May done some exercising during that time.

    More streneous physical activity

    Eating a healthier diet.

    taking supplements

  3. due to getting older. fact; sperm count start decreasing when boys age over 25 it could be due to hormone imbalance. check with the doctor, it may be due to the gland from where it is produced

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