
What would explain someone with a Stelium in second house being unlucky with money?

by Guest57180  |  earlier

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My Second house is in Sag and I have a stelium forming with Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune, from what I hear, this is good and supposed to give me a good luck with my finances. On top of that I have a Leo Midheaven and I'm very determined and career oriented.... Regardless my financial situation has never been good. I work my butt off a lot more then other people and I'm still very unhappy with were I am financially.

Of course there are people who have it much worst then me, but most of my friends are much more financially successful then me, and they had much easier majors in college.

Is there anything in the chart that can explain constant financial struggle?




  1. Hi Devonchka,

    I have alot of those same planets in my 2nd house.  I had more credit card debt fresh out of college than at any other time in my life.  And the sad part was that my parents paid ALL of my college expenses.  I think it just takes awhile to get a handle on Uranus in second house.  It is erratic but not always in a bad way.  There are times that I have money practically fall out of the sky at me.  Then other times, it evaporates.  You have to be aware that this is a possibility.  You have to make yourself pay attention to where your money goes.  And how to make more of it.  But first, you need to work on getting out of any debt you have.   I am virtually debt free today.  And I tell you it is wonderful.   A loaded second house is a blessing.  The key for you will be learning when to control Uranus and when to go with its flow.  

    **Also... Second house Venus and Leo Moon both like nice things and can be a bit self indulgent.  no belief required touched on that.   I am wondering where your Saturn is?

    **That's actually a good thing.  It will help you with self discipline.  Just try not to be too hard on yourself.

  2. Okay, was confused about the first house for a second, lol for some reason I read leo ascendant. Duh.

    Uranus can make your finances unpredictable though. Where's Jupiter, and what are the aspects to planets in the 2nd? Sagittarius 2nd house would likely tend to see money run through the fingers like water too, likely an extravagant spender, yes?

    EDIT: Okay, you're an emotional spender, too:-) The good news is that the career that you've chosen will be able to support your spending habits:-D Now, if you do happen to be having financial difficulties at the moment, it could be Pluto back in Sagittarius trying to transform your spending habits somewhat. With Sag on 2nd house cusp, as I said previously, you're an extravagant spender, with Venus there as well (in Cap, and Cap knows quality) you want to spend on nothing but the best, and you love to buy beautiful things. For yourself, or for anyone you care about. Uranus could make you an impulse shopper as well. Yeah, I think you just need to be a little more realistic about what you can afford for now. And honestly, I don't really see you ever being flat broke or anything like that, you've got too much good in that second house to let that happen. But you need to curb the impulse shopping, and you need to be realistic...for now anyhow. When you're making billions a year, then go nuts:-D

  3. You are too young to feel discouraged about your finances.  Time (in decades) will prove your good luck.  

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