
What would girls do if ur husband beated u??? serious adivce??

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In January this year my son was 2 months old (my first baby) i was suffering from severe postnatal depression and therefore wasnt myself and argued alot, i was moody most of the time and couldnt cope with looking after my son all alone, my family and me werent talk and i didnt have any friends that could help out.

anyway me and my husband were arguing one night and he slapped me really hard.

Then on another day we were arguing again, and that time he hit me on my shoulder which was sore for a few days.

just recently about 3 weeks ago, we were arguing and i wasnt listening to what he was saying to me, he punched me, and slapped me on my face about 4-5 times, he tried strangling me as well, after when i looked in the mirror i had a big cut on the side of my nose and my left ear was badly bruised, i could barely touch it,do you think that it was my fault that he hit me????? do u think that im making a big deal about this????????? coz i just cant seem to forget about what he did, i get so upset by thinking about it. He said he would never od that again. PLZ help.




  1. I lived with a man who abused me for 10 years. He started out with just a slap here and there and then a punch two or three times, and then it happend everyday. He almost killed me many times. It took all the strength that I had in my body to leave. And as a matter of fact I have never been this happy, not getting abused everyday or talked down to, leave it is the best thing for you to do, it is the greatest feeling in the world not to be hit. It will be hard at first, but if you do not leave now it will get even worse and he may kill you, it is in your best interest to get out. IT IS NOT OK!!!!! Leave now it is the only way.

  2. I do not believe you should even debating this - you leave - whatever it takes you remove yourself from this situation which will only escalate.

    He is the the one at fault but you are contributing to your own demise if you choose to stay.

  3. You know you have to get out - you wouldn't ask the question otherwise.

    Take your own advice and leave as soon as possible.

    Your family and friends will help you - they were probably feeling frustrated that YOU couldn't see what they already could - that your man was not someone to be with.

  4. do yourself and baby a favour and leave him each time he is getting more violent what if he hit the baby? i dont think you would forgive yourself.tell him why you are going.they all say they wont do it again but they do believe me.

  5. You need to get away from this man for your safety and the safety of your child.

    He will get worse and he will abuse your child. He will hit it one day.

    GET OUT OF THERE! Be brave. You have given birth you can do anything!

  6. Please, I went through iit for 12 years. It never ends it just gets worse. I should of put his *** in jail for breaking my nose, he broke my jaw, He did so much to me. There was even guns involved.He eventually ended up in jail but because a police officer saw him hit me.he pressed charges, I was so stupid.

    NONONO. Fck Him and Do for you and your baby. My kids saw so much. I should of never put them through that. I just hope that my kids are strong enough to not let that affect them. I am so much happier now. I am with a man that would never even think about touching me the wrong way. And I love that about him. I have 5 kids from my previous marriage and I am expecting a baby from my new man. Yes he loves my kids, and right now that I am pregnant takes care of us till I go back to work.  

  7. You and your husband really need to see a consultant.

    It is the best way to solve this kind of problem.

    However, if he continues, this issue may need to have police's intervention before it goes too far

  8. I recommend calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline.

    Hitting is never acceptable and though he says he won't do it again your husband is probably lying.  This is a typical thing and you need to get yourself and your son away.  If not for you own sake, then for the sake and safety of your child.

  9. if your were my daughter he'd be dead...........

    i would bust him up externally, then bust him up internally,

    then break a few things, then rip out some internal parts, finally i'd smash hit head like an egg a concrete floor........

    i can't help you, but i can give you advice from my heart and i'm sure most will agree with this part of my post........

    get out before he disfigures you or worse, and get the baby out too before he does something to him.........

    get out and stay out........this type only gets worse.....GET OUT NOW

  10. 911 - "My husband hit me.  I need help."

  11. No matter what, no one deserves that.  Everyone on the earth deserves a second chance, but are you willing to give him that chance?  Next time could be worse.  I took care of a bf that beat me to the point of loosing a child.  I found a 1x2 and worked him over.  He fell asleep (passed out drunk) at the base of a small tree and I handcuffed him to that tree.  I worked him over till there was no dry place on him.  He never hit me again and I left him shortly there after.  I just needed a little time to get away from him and I did not need another beating.  Just be careful no matter what you decide.

  12. call the cops

  13. this was in no way your fault, all marriages have problems, what u have here is an abuser, who if he cannot control u or get his way he beats.u have a problem with self worth because if u didn't u would have already left him.they do not change,and u will not get over being beaten.a man who beats a woman is a coward and u need to get out of this before u have any more kids with this one ever deserves to be beaten physically or verbally no matter what.your a victim of domestic violence, your not the reason he hit u.

  14. i would call the police on him.i hate wimps who only can hit women,they are not big enough to hit a real man.they always say they won't do it again.but they do,and they do it for the least little thing.if he does it again then call the police and press chargers.other wise your life will be  a life  of have to think of your baby.good luck.xx

  15. hi

    i had post natal depression after my third child there (she is 2 now) and it wasnt diagnosed for over  tyear so i know what you were feeling and it is really hard.  You feel like a completely different person and you get nasty... BUT YOU ARE ILL!

    However, your  taking advantage of your situation and he is nothing but a bully. He may be finding it hard to cope as you have a new baby and you are grumpy, different, argumentative etc but this does not give himan excuse to hit you.

    Go to your GP and get help and counselling for your depression and while you are there, tell them what happened.  If it is really out of character maybe you can go for counselling together but maybe it is better to just leave him... The only person that can answer that is you but dont make any life changing decisions while you  are sick.

    Get help for yourself first and then see what happens after that BUT remember, keep yourself and your son safe while you are seeking help.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck... and you will get through this horrible time but you do need help...COMMUNICATE COMMUICATE COMMUNICATE... with your husband and your GP and anyone else that will help you


  16. i would divorce him.

  17. Please don't ever think that you deserve to be treated like a punching bag no matter what has happened, and don't under any circumstances think that this is a form of Love.  first it's a slap, and then a punch, or maybe something worse maybe he'll start hitting the baby. This can go so wrong so very fast if you don't take the right precautions. If you want to give him another chance then I think you should suggest that you both should get counseling if he doesn't want help then  you should see this as being a clear indication that things will not change  that he doesn't want help and you and your baby's life could very well be in danger. Leave Don't look back.Look at it as though God is giving you a second chance.  Use It... If not for you, then certainly for your baby.

  18. LEAVE HIM- he not going to change it will get worse , take your baby and go, go to your family , friends , the housing place , you may have to go to a hostel but it wont be for long

    if you stay the abuse will get worse and if social services find out and you stay with him they ca take your baby

    believe me i know - iv been there just leave and if he hits you again call police

  19. a Real man would never hit a woman..and it's never ok to hit a woman.

    leave him.

  20. stop arguing with him.all his gonna do is hurt you again.physical abusive is a  serious crime.this is also called domestic careful lady.i see that you are in danger.go stay away from him.go back to your family.tell him that you will leave him if he hits you again,call 911.what ever or the neighbors.i would not live or spend my entire life fearing what he is going to do next.leave him,you don't deserve this unhappy life

  21. sorry, dear, it is only going to get worse.  you're seeing him now for what he really is. the only question is, how long will you put up with it?  no matter how dependant you are on him there are women's shelters who will help you get out and get on your feet.  You don't have to live like this and you don't have to endanger your son, either!

  22. This man will do it again, and again ,and again. and again.and again. He has done it 3 times already are not making a big deal out of this..that's the problem , you need to call the police and press charges and then get as far away from him as you possible can...if you continue to live like this I can tell you for will get worse and you and your baby will spend the rest of you days in misery. It is your job to protect your baby from this sort of violence.

  23. do u want to die? do u want your child to grow up in this eniroment and be in relationship your in just now and think its ok???? YES OV COURSE IT WRONG!!!! yes i am being harsh but fo good reason you need to open your eyes and stop being so silly

  24. You have got to get out of there, they will always say it wont happen again but it always will, it might not happen again immediately but believe me it always happens again xxxx xxxx

  25. I have a friend that her man always says ' i am sorry it will never happen again' but after 1 month happens. she believes him every time because he always apologies and cries and this makes her think it will not happen. Don't confuse yourself, they all lie, just run away from this man because after few years he will beat you up everyday just for the fun.

  26. your not making a big deal, it IS a big deal. leave. they all say it will never happen again!

  27. When a man hit you once, he will hit you again. Better plan what you want to do in your life. He beat you too much and that is not good, even if he angry he cannot hurt you like that, you must think if you're parents got angry do they hurt you? I guess not.


  29. That is NOT ok. He should not be slapping you or hitting you at all. You need to not think that this is normal because it's not. He's a horrible person for doing that to you and you need to get the HECK out of there quick! Get your baby and move on. I dont' care if you think you love him or not; He will end up abusing your baby someday too. Divorce and protect yourself and your child.  

  30. the first slap may have been an extremely bad mistake on his part, but from what you have said its time to press charges and leave there are places you can go don't wait around for the next one  

  31. hes done it 3 times now... no matter what you say you do not deserve to be hit, GO TO THE COPS NOW.. so they can document the abuse and YOU HAVE TO FILE CHARGES.. he will kill you if you dont.. hes already tried to choke you... GO TO THE COPS NOW..

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