
What would give a sagittarius reason to forgive and forget?

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In an issue of conflict or betrayal?

Have any sags here every allowed someone (i.e. a girlfriend or boyfriend) a clean slate?

Are the other fire signs just as tough on betrayals as well?




  1. i'm a sag, but nothwithstanding, people forgive and forget if you don't do the same mistakes with them again.  be sincere in your asking for apology and never do it  the second, third, etc..time. in addition, do good works and show to that person that you're deserving of a second chance and that you're worthy of his trust and confidence once more.  things won't be forgotten, be aware that the things you markedly did in the past will always be at the back of the person's mind - that is why you should top them with a show good works and it will be noted considerably.

  2. I have allowed my boyfriend a clean slate but it's only because I love him. If I don't care deeply about the guy then that's a different story. My boyfriend didn't do anything that was really way over the top but he did do something that hurt me. I love him deeply and we have been together 6 years so I really want the relationship to last despite a few messy things because I have done my share of wrongs also. I'm usually the type of person that will forgive and forget anyway unless someone is truly threatening me or doesn't apologize. It would just have to be something really, really bad for me to not want to forgive and forgive about it. But for the most part I don't hold grudges and stay mad for long.

  3. In my experience, Sags may grudgingly forgive, but they don't forget. Call it a storage of knowledge.

    Wiser and more experienced Sags will acknowledge, up to a point, that everyone is human, and makes mistakes. Even Sags. That, at least, can open up a dialog.

  4. For a betrayal.................NOTHING...........

    Conflicts can be resolved............betrayal can and will not

  5. I would *never* take someone back in my life if they were to betray me, no matter how sorry they are.  You did the crime and you can't change it.  Don't care what the excuse was, what's done is done and there's no going back to fix it.  

    If a Sag were to take someone back who betrayed them, it's because they feel sorry for them but they'll never trust the betrayer.  Just leave the Sag alone.


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