
What would happed if lightning hit a cruise ship out at sea?

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What would happen to a cruise ship if it got hit with lightning while out at sea? Are the ships able to handle a bolt of lightning??




  1. Nothing would happen.  The ship are designed to withstand lighting strikes.  The only thing that would happen is the people on the deck would panic.

  2. Modern ships are equipped with lightening arresting systems that provide the lightening a safe path to follow to the sea.  The worst case could be if anyone is out on deck they could be injured or worse if they are unlucky enough to be near where the lightening strikes the ship.  


  3. might burn part of the ship or possibly hit a tourist but probably would do nothing

  4. They burst into giant fireballs incinerating everyone on board.  Happens all the time, but they hush it up.

  5. to some extent the lightning can be controlled. However a direct hit

    will burn portions of the cruise ship.

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