
What would happen (IYO) if we legalize drugs?

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(NOTE) If you have an answer like everyone would turn into drug crazed criminals...PLEASE give your source of information.

I like 99% of Americans don't do illegal drugs, I don't drink or smoke.

But like 100% of America I am paying the 890 Billion per year to fight the so-called war on drugs. The VAST majority of this Federal, State & local money is salaries, health benifits for law enforcement personel. I do NOT blame them..they are just doing an impossible job they can never win or ever make a dent in...the former DEA cheif agree's!

Better idea: Lets save the BILLIONS and Pay-OFF the National Debt that is choking this Nation and is a FAR bigger threat than some pot-heads or pill poppers...common sense!

Nearly every enforement officer will diagree....their job depends on the cycle of waste...I already know this. I am fully aware of the scare tactics...exactly the same before prohbition.

Allow idiots who want to do drugs...don't send us the bill




  1. "...their job depends on the cycle of waste...I already know this. I am fully aware of the scare tactics..."

    Ever hear of the concept... Duty to protect.

    In some situations it may make sense to just give it all a green light. But, this goes against all that we honor and place high value upon. Life in general. Giving a green light to these difficulties and temptations in the lives of some will push many over the edge into addiction, that otherwise were held back by their belief in social norms. Some children will cut themselvess when parents are unaware they have gotten hold of a knife. This is not a scare tactic, this is common sense. It will happen.

    In my mind, it comes down to protecting those who cannot protect themselve. If that means arresting irresponsible parents who demonstrate drug use in front of children, so be it. Clearly, the parents are not doing their job. Someone else must.

  2. There would be a lot less people in the jails and prisons And cops could start going after the real criminals out there.

  3. I say legalize it, and then when they get themselves in a state, offer them no help. Also, don't give drug users welfare and benefits.

  4. Tax revenues up

    Organized crime down

    Better border enforcement

    Economy up

    More drug deaths

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