
What would happen If every bee in the world suddenly got wipped out or disappeared??

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What would happen??




  1. No more honey but I'm sure a substitute that tastes very similar would be found.

    There would also be a big problem for polinisation of plants. Many species of flower would die off. A lot of crops are pollinated by bees. I'm not sure if all of them can survive without bees... overall a lot of things would change when visiting the grocery store.

  2. everyone allergic to bee stings would no longer have to carry a eppy pin ( bee sting kit)

  3. It would start a chain reaction of many declines and extinctions starting with about 30% to 50% farm crop failures such as foods consumed by Humans.

  4. Bush would suddenly find a need to invade every clover patch on the planet in search of bees of mass destruction.

    We'd all be subject to cavity-searches every time we wanted honey on our biscuits but it would be for our own safety.

  5. honey would be $140 a barrel

  6. It's no joke:

    "... about one-third of the human diet comes from insect-pollinated plants, and the honeybee is responsible for 80 percent of that pollination, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture."

  7. cut back on honey consumption. =]

    we'd have to find an alternative resource.

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