
What would happen If you were to drill a hole through the entire Earth?

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Say you put a metal pole where you made the hole and this could resist all that heat. If you were to fall in the hole and came out the other side, wouldn't you fall back in the hole because of gravity and vise versa for the other side?




  1. That would be awesom but if you fell in it you would probally get stuck in the middle because Its a hole going down where it starts and where it ends. the world would probally fall apart tho

  2. you simply cannot do it, for many reasons:

    ~you obviously would kill yourself trying to go through the center of the earth, and no drill is big enough to go through

    ~no drill is powerful enough to go through all the earth's layers

    ~volcanoes would errupt, or lava would come through the "drill hole"

    BUT IF, in some way, you could drill through the earth, im guessing it would crack into peices

  3. Some very big headlines.  So far, nobody has been about to drill down more than a few kilometers, and that took many years and a lot of money.

    Of course, you need someway to deal with the molten lava that would come out of the hole, but there would be very little of that.  The drill hole would be less than a meter across, and most volcanoes have a vent that is about 100 meters across.

  4. You and your mechinary would melt before you hit the core because there are a few layers before the core that have metal in it but because the pressure and the temp is so hot it liquafise. Right now it's impossible to go right through the center

  5. Why do you imagine the thing which we can never do.We can not find the metal suitable to drill the entire earth. The maximum depth we are going to drill is 7 k/m. The diameter of earth is 12756 K/m. Now tell me can you ever imagine to drill across the earth.

  6. Everything that falls down the hole would collect at the center of gravity. IE the core. Magma would probably collapse the hole VERY quickly though. It probably wouldn't affect Earths gravity in the slightest though.

  7. the world would have a big hole and aliens will look at us weirdly but on the plus side you can jump down it and when you reach the other side gravity will pull you to the ground talk about a easy way to get to china.

  8. You'd never make it. The pressure would be insane, and at some point, your machine, and you, would collapse.

  9. I think oil would come out

  10. When the tip of the drillbit reached magma, it would melt.

    If you could construct a drill of material that would not melt inside the magma, then the tip would come out the other side of the earth.  More likely than not, it would be underwater.

  11. Good question.....but you just cannot do that. You would kill yourself and everyone else. They did however drill into the ocean floor in 1968.

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