
What would happen if I ate my own sick?

by  |  earlier

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I know this soudns weird...but what would happen if I ate my sick??




  1. Your body would probably have the reflex action to be sick again as it is programmed to heave on the sight of something we associate as being "dirty".

    You are sick for a reason. It's your body's way of getting rid of stuff from your stomach that it doesn't want inside it. If we weren't sick, we would be more susceptible to getting tummy bugs etc.

    Besides, it wouldn't do your throat much good as your sick contains your stomach acid which is why it doesn't feel too good on the way up, never mind the way down again.

  2. You would be sick again your body decided something you ate or drunk is causing a problem so you are sick, if you the ingest what the body removed when you were sick then the cycle would start again  

  3. Why is this disgusting question in Beauty and Style??


    just dont do it okay


  5. You'd get even more sick. By "sick", do you mean throw up? Because the reason you throw up is to get rid of that stuff. And now you want it back in you?? GROSS!!

  6. you should find it very tasty and you wouldn't be sick loads more

  7. you'd be doing it again

  8. I think in all honesty it would be far too acdic to eat. You would probably make yourself worse.

  9. you'd probably be sick

  10. You'd get sick AGAIN

  11. Sick has acid from your stomach, it would affect the enamel on your teeth & you burn your throat.

    DON1T DO IT!

  12. Your boyfriend wont want to kiss you

  13. You would probably be sick again...

    But the question is why would you even want to????

  14. Why would you want to do that?  Why??!

    This is the grossest question I've answered on here  :D

  15. do you mean throw up cause thats is really really gross


  16. get sicker and your thought will be sore

    don't do it cuz it's eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwieee

  17. ewwww. I wouldn't wanna find out

  18. You will throw up agaiin anddd agaaaaaaaain. JUST DON'T DO IT!! EWWWWW! LOL really...dont do urself frm gettng ill


  19. You would be re-sick

  20. the reason ur body rejects the things it does is becuase they are somehow hurting your body or will. ur body knows best. if u eat it, it will be reli bad, and could dissolve your throat and mouth skin, tooth enamel, and could even  cause internal bleeding. also, if it was reli bad 4 ur body, u may need a stomach pump!! it isn't a good idea, god loves you too much for u 2 do that.  good luckerz!!

  21. do you mean throw up lol?

  22. i dought anything would happen

  23. i'm sorry but that's literally a sick question to ask. like why would you even ask that? are you planning to eat it?  um you would most likely make yourself even more sick.

  24. urggghhh!  i dont know i dont swallow my own sick!!    lol

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