
What would happen if I don't have enough money to pay the cab driver............?

by  |  earlier

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.....when I reach my destination? would he drive me back to my original location and leave me there or call the police?




  1. Try to work something out with the driver...If things turn sour, the driver could call the police and you could go to jail (you got a service that you didn't pay for)...It's on a par with shoplifting...Always make sure you have enough before you get in...The driver might be able to give you a rough idea.

  2. He will take your cellphone and ipod.

  3. Run very fast.

  4. You will be shot.

  5. Driving you back to the location will just be a waste of gas.

    If you have an ATM card, apologise and tell him to follow you to the ATM for the money.

    If you don't, then expect to be locked in the taxi and maybe getting a free pair of matching bracelets from the cops.

    Sorry if it sounds harsh, but it's true. It's a bit like not paying at a restaurant and shoplifting.

  6. he would have a few choices either stop the cab when you tell him you dont have enough cash or if you have ATM card

    take to an ATM etc

    or he could aslo call the cops as well (and lock you inside the taxI till the police arrived)

  7. He will beat you up and keep your luggage.

  8. he will bend you over and after he finishes you will not be able to sit or walk straight for a long time

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