
What would happen if I put an 8ohm amp through a passive crossover designed for 16ohm speakers?

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I do know that it is ok to use the 16ohm speakers with the 8ohm amp, as 8ohm amps can safely operate speakers 8ohms and above in impedance. I'm just not familiar enough with crossovers. Are crossovers specifically designed to work with a particular amp output (in terms of impedance), or does it not matter? Do I have to buy/make another crossover that has component ratings that can safely operate with an 8 ohm output? Does the crossover just have to be able to handle a particular amp wattage and voltage range?




  1. It would be louder, and a little less efficient, as maximum transfer of power is when load impedance equals output impedance.

    And the crossover frequencies would change.,,

  2. "maximum transfer of power is when load impedance equals output impedance."

    While that is true, it is totally irrelevant to audio amplifiers.

    An audio amplifier is a voltage source, the source impedance of which is in the tens of milliohms range.  

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