
What would happen if I put ibuprofen into an open wound?

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Like if I have a sort of deep cut and I break open an ibuprofen tablet and put the powder directly into the cut. Would it absorb faster? Are there any inactive compounds in ibuprofen that would cause problems?

Answers from someone who actually knows what they're talking about would be nice......




  1. Nothing will happen to you, since Ibuprophen is not intended for this use.  I recommend just taking it orally, since it will work much faster and better.  Do not put pain kills directly on an open wound.

  2. Ibuprofen is made for stomach absorpsion. It would be best to put an antibiotic on it instead.

  3. The neat application your taking about would only serve to ulcerate the effected area,don't do it. You can infact put natural honey straight into the wound as this has natural powerful anti-bacterial agents and healing properties.

  4. It will delay healing, increase the risk of infection, and make diddle for difference in your level of pain. Even the difference in formulations taken by mouth, saying "this one works faster," is almost pure advertising.

  5. he's right... it'll just irritate and infect the wound. triple antibiotic ointment has an analgesic in it if you're looking for a topical pain killer. also using ice packs will help dull the pain and help any swelling.

    leave the oral medicines to you stomach and only use medicines as directed on the bottle or directed by a doctor.

  6. Your level of stupidity would rise appreciably!

  7. why would you do that? i take ibuprofen as a pill for like headaches & etc. pouring it into your wound makes absolutly no sense to me, why not just put some neosporin and a bandaide onnn .. ?

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