
What would happen if I reached the end of the universe?

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I know this would be impossible, but what if we could?




  1. There is no "end" of the universe, so it's impossible to even speculate.

  2. You would get a cookie for it!

  3. You will meet Morgan Freeman and if you ask him who he is, he'll tell you:

    " I'm God. "

  4. What happens when we leave earth?

    What happens when we leave the solar system?

    What happens when we leave the milky way?

    What happens when we leave the universe?

    - If it's anything like the others, I'd say you just keep going.

  5. You will enter the faery realm and be given three wishes, the last of which you'll need to wish yourself back to earth unless you want to stay there for the rest of your life because it's so much fun! ;D

  6. Well our universe is matter (stars, planets, rocks) and space. Since space is technically black emptiness, complete nothingness in other words, you can't have an "end" to nothing.

    So the end of universe would just be the edge where traveling matter (planets, asteroids, etc.) has reached its farther (because its expanding).

    But even still you could continue traveling past the matter and nothing would be there...

    except matter would catch up with you unless you were traveling faster.

  7. The universe is constantly expanding, so you would have to be traveling faster than it expands to reach the 'end'. Assuming you made it, you would breach the line where everything turns into nothing. It is hard to grasp, but there would just be nothing until our universe expanded past that point.

  8. Space is inflating faster than the speed of light, so you could never get there.  But let's say you could.  Well... if the universe is positively curved, then there is no end; you will just start over at the beginning.  If it's negatively curved then the closer you get to the end, the farther away the end gets.  I know that sounds weird but you have to understand Riemannian space.  Anyway if the universe is completely flat, then there may be an end, and by end I mean where there is no more matter, but you could never get there.  So it's completely pointless to ask.

    The reason I say it's pointless is not because it's not possible, but because it's not even a valid question.  Spacetime has many odd characteristics over large distances that we don't experience on Earth.  Inflation is intrinsic to space, which means that space is infinitely small and infinitely large at the same time and no matter where you go, the end will always be farther away.  Taken from another view, say for instance a 5- or 10-dimensional view, the universe could still be the size of the singularity we started out as, and only expanding within itself.  We still have so much more to learn about the nature of spacetime before we can go asking questions like that!

  9. No scientist in the world can know for sure, their are many theories out their but no one can know for sure, Though, their might not be an end to the universe, it could go on forever for an infinity, which is very difficult to process an infinity, because it seems as though their has to be an end to everything...

  10. I think you would revolve.

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