
What would happen if I said this?

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I wanted to say this to a friend of mine so bad so what would have happened if I did(he's a guy)

I stroke his arms and hands and say "Wow you have such a gorgeous tan...I love the feel of your skin, it's so smooth and flawless!"




  1. he'd go "haha thanks: roflmao

  2. not sure - maybe he would laugh.

    Best thing - he would chuckle -scoop you up in his arms and kiss you passionately  - in your dreams!!

    Not sure -why not try? If he gives you a funny look then just say

    'I was joking!'


    Good luck!


    P.S. Best answer??


  3. IF you guyz are just friends it probably won't matter much. I do that kinda stuff to my guy friends all the time and they just laugh it off and say something clever right back. Its pretty fun actually. But if you're not so close friends he might think you like him a little, i guess his reaction depends on his perspective and how you present it.

  4. hmmmm......well i guess it depends on how well u know this guy!!

    if ur pretty good friends with him & u know eachother pretty well then he would probably say something like "thanks" or laugh or something like that. he would probably think u liked him. or he might not catch that at all!!!!!! guys r like that!!!!!

    did u know that the part of guys brains that interpret spoken & written stuff id much smaller than that in girls??? he might not think u like him based on that!!!!!

    if u don't know him very well, he would probably just think ur weird!!!!

    anyway........good luck!!!!!! =]]

  5. say it ..and feel free..but make sure to say that we are only FRIENDS eh?

  6. uhhhhhh, i'm pretty sure either die laughing or think you were coming on to him.

  7. Dont do this hun unless your in a relationship with him or hes going to think your desperate and no guy likes that in a girl/woman

  8. he would probably think you fancied him

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