
What would happen if I smoked a blend of Skullcap, Hops, Lavender, Passion Flower, Valerian Root, Catnip...

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Lemon Balm, St. John's Wort, and Rosemary. It's a natural herb mix that can be used to make tea, but I want to know what effects it may give if I were to smoke it.




  1. you would probably puke your guts out

  2. st. johns worth* will make you giggle. same with catnip. rosemary will just smell good and hurt your throat. I believe passion flower is a sedative. I would just drink a cup of nutmeg and milk... just don't put too much nutmeg in it or you will die.

  3. I wonder if it would burn properly, or if it would just light and fizz out too fast. It also wouldn't probably feel too good (not that any smoke in your lungs feels great, naturally). I would look up each herb individually, and see if any are dangerous to smoke. Since you can boil them and put them in your body, I'm guessing that they are ok, but you never know. Some herbs leaves are great one way and highly toxic another. Good luck!

  4. You'd Be Stupid

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