
What would happen if I stayed in a graveyard for one night?

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I want to film something like this and post it on or film me being a haunted house in Port Hudson, LA; My home town.




  1. it depends, ...what would happen if you stay in a graveyard for a night?... if you're the kinda person who's capable of seeing stuffs that other so called "normal" people can't, maybe you'll see something, a ghost or a spirit,whatever they call it, or maybe you'll hear weird things too, it really depends. if the place is not really haunted,then you'll see/hear nothing, but if it is then lucky you, maybe you'll catch one on your cam. if the place is really haunted you don't have to wait for the sun to go down and hide itself, even if the sun is up, you'll feel or see or hear something unusual.

    good luck!


  2. you might just get dirty.

    nothing "interesting" will happen.

  3. You might see a spirit but other then that nothing will happen.

  4. a ghost might take u away! lol not really mu might see someone u liked idk you never know i think u should try it!

  5. I would take Goblin's advice.

    Having had an interest in the paranormal myself and researched such things as ghost/spirit activity, I would say a graveyard is the last place you'd get anything anyway.  While a spirit may stick around to attend their own funeral to see their remains laid to rest - many will then cross over.  They are pure energy at that point - they are no longer attached to their physical bodies.  If they don't cross over to the next plane - the spirit world or afterlife or whatever you want to call it - and they remain earthbound for whatever reason (it's the earthbound spirits that we refer to as ghosts), they are more likely to hang around their families, homes, or something that means something to them personally - or in more crowded places where there is enough energy for them to survive and/or manifest.  

    Perhaps you could check out some of the other reportedly haunted places in your home state:

    And I would suggest that if you have an interest in "ghost hunting", that you read through the informative articles on the subject written by team members of The Atlantic Paranormal Society:


    Happy hunting!

  6. you would stay in a graveyard for one night. you might feel sad but thats it

  7. Boo... Nothing will happen. You will leave on two feet and still have your head in the morning.

  8. You might get a bit cold - temperatures always go down at night - be sure to take a sweater!

    Other than that.....nothing.

  9. Nothing would happen to you if you stayed all night in a graveyard.  

    Please be aware that local police frown greatly upon you doing such a thing and if you are caught after hours on cemetery property, you will be arrested for tresspassing.

    In order to be able to stay all night in a cemetery, you must have the permission of the local police department, which, I might add, is never given, unless of course, you are registered investigator of the paranormal.

    This being said, should you for-go the authorization, don't get caught, but do post something on, please be aware that these images will be posted all over the world and maybe someone who sees it, will have a loved one buried in the cemetary that you've chosen to film in, and report you to the local authorities.

    I completely understand your curiousity about wanting to film something, but please know that what you have seen on TV (Ghost Hunter, Paranormal State, etc.) is a very scaled down version of what has taken place.  You can be filming an area and have cameras set up for twelve hours, and still get nothing.  There would be hours and hours of blank tape which you would need to review in the hopes of capturing something.

    Here is my suggestion.  Take a tip for the creators of the movie "The Blair Witch Project".  You can simulate everything you want and post this on  You still will probably get alot of "hits" on the site and you won't have disturbed a cemetery.

    Have a lovely rest of the day.

  10. nothing I would imagine

  11. You might see a spirit.

  12. Probably nothing would happen. I do believe in ghosts, but I think they generally stick around places that hold some meaning to them, like their home, or the place where they died. The graveyard is just where their old body is being stored, and in death, they don't need it anymore. So I think you'd have more luck spending the night in old houses.

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