
What would happen if Obama picked Karl Rove as his running mate. What would happen to the elections?

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hypothetical question. ( And lets say Karl accepts )




  1. BRILLIANT !!!!  I like the idea, and he can then send Rove to be stationed in iraq and not to come home till all of our troops do.

  2. We won't be able to fight terrorism or worry about the economy because we'll all be rolling on the floor! LOL! Just the thought is hilariois.

  3. Well, Rove knows every dirty trick in the book -  but you could never trust him. Besides, he's treasonous.  

  4. Didnt you ever watch Star Trek..

    You cant mix matter and anti matter!

  5. Argh!!!!! That is something that would never, ever, ever, ever happen. Can't even be hypothetical about it.

  6. It would be like 2000  and 2004  He would have the least amount of actual votes yet would some how win!!!!


  8. before the world would end, the poles would reverse and it will be snowing in FL  

  9. That would be like crossing the beams in Ghostbusters.

    I think it could create a singularity.

  10. The world will end.

  11. Rove would be treated as a traitor.  McCain would still win, but I'd love to see the VP debates.

  12. Obama would have to drop out of the race if he did such a thing.  Absolutely no one would vote for him.  

  13. HA... you're funny!!! (and not only because of the way you look).

  14. That is scarier than any Texas chainsaw movie.

  15. it would open the gates of h**l

  16. Since Gorge Soro's owns Obama and the DNC....not going to happen....

    But would be fun..

  17. The world would implode on itself.

    Thanks for the laugh though.

  18. It would be funny. Why not d**k Cheney?

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