
What would happen if Roe v. Wade was overturned?

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What would happen if Roe v. Wade was overturned?




  1. Individual states would have the right to decide weather they allow abortions or not.

  2. We would have a good number more "live" babies and possibly a few more adults acting more responsibly and not being so careless and promiscuous.

  3. If abortion became illegal, women would go back to seeking back alley abortions. The rich would be able to pay real doctors who would perform the operation illegally, and  therefore these privileged women would still receive safe abortions. The poor would be at the mercy of unqualified butchers, and die. So all in all, not only would fetuses die, but so would mothers.

  4. Many women will die. Just because abortions are outlawed doesn't mean women will stop having them.  

  5. More birth.

    The abortion issues would once again become the responsibility of the states.

  6. I wish I could say more birth and perhaps on paper it would look like it but saying abortion is illegal and thats it will not solve the problem...

    What would happen to all of the machines and pills that help in the abortion process?

    If the "over-turned" law does not state on what happens to all of the "gear" then, in my opinion, more underground clinics open up and more "doctors" make money on the side.

    I wish all the pills and machines would simply dis-appear if a law is in place but the reality all of that still exists...What would happen to all of the Abortion Clinics?  Records?  People would lose their jobs...could they collect un-employment?

    I pray we can educate everyone that abortion is not what God wants but with the corruption in the country, more back-door clinics open up if the law is overturned.

    Side note: Our gov. would have to open up a seperate office prepared to take all of the technology and current machines and pills of the shelf before the underground "doctors" could act.

    It would be a tough transition.

    SIDE Note 2:  I am sure all of you now that  Norma L. McCorvey (Roe) is Anti-abortion and the child she was pregnant with at the time, she gave birth to and gave it up for adoption.

    Interesting interview half way down the article with the link provided.

    Google her name and many of things pop up.

  7. The states would then be in charge of the holocost.

  8. women would keep getting just as many abortions, but it would be under very unsafe circumstances, and i guess lots of women would be going to prison for murder.

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