
What would happen if Sunoco fuel failed has much has goodyear has?

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Would nascar look into a different fuel sponsor?




  1. question: what would happen if you got over it already?  

    answer: the rest of us could get back to rationally (or irrationally) discussing issues important to the rest of us.

  2. ur hilarouse,

    you know what would happen to sunoco theyd to out of buisness

  3. Well we do know who is full of gas!

  4. i'm convinced

  5. Not many people buy Goodyear anyway for their home automobiles. But you sir have convinced me to never buy goodyear products of any kind. Thanks.

  6. Sunoco needs to look into sending me a free ticket, to this years ''Fall Race''

  7. how many times u gunna ask the same question with diffrent words

  8. sunoco had all the water in fuel last year there still here

  9. How can fuel fail?  If you run out, is it the fuel's fault?

    NASCAR already HAS a new fuel sponsor, Sunoco.  It used to be 78, or whatever the number was.  I just have to giggle when the commentators keep referring to it as "Sunoco Race Fuel" instead of GAS.  C'mon guys, gas is gas!


  10. How many ways can Robert G find to ask a stupid question?

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