
What would happen if a 25 megaton Nuclear device was detonated underground in the largest Saudi oil field?

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Would the explosion ignite the oil and blow up everything or would it not do anything since there is no oxygen?




  1. The resulting heat would probably allow the oil to auto-ignite on contact with oxygen, though whether the detonation would open up an air channel is really dependant on the depth and nature of the strata in general.

    I don't think a deep well would ignite at all, even if it did get access to a small tract to the open air, the pressure difference would stop the oxygen getting down to keep any fire going, it would asphyxiate itself b^^d

  2. with a 25 megtaton supply of nuclear bombs, you wouldnt worry about the oil catching on fire or anything. The explosion would already blow up everything..

  3. vitrify everything.

  4. It would ignite. The nuclear device doesn't need oxygen to explode since it gets all its energy from the fission reaction. That explosion would ignite the oil. Besides the explosion from the nuclear device would create a hole on the ground that would allow oxygen to get in.

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