
What would happen if a few 15 year old kids got caught with weed?

by  |  earlier

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What's the worst punishment and what's the minimal punishment?


And don't give me a lecture on how it's bad and stuff, because I already know.

And for your information I am NOT doing weed...I was just wondering what would happen if someone were to get caught, not in school, but like outside of school.

What could the police do? Or whatever.




  1. having to go to juvie,bording school for the troubled teen,boot camp

  2. you couldnt get you license till your 18

  3. Worst punishment: Cops get called and you get sent to Juvy for a few weeks and have probation.

    Minimal Punishment: Nobody calls the cops, but they do call your parents and they ground you and take everything you owned away and never trust you again.

  4. You get a ticket, if I'm correct, and you have to take classes that tell you how bad it is, I've had a ton of friends your age getting caught with that stuff, it's not good.

  5. nothing really. ive got caught before. and nothing happens they just take it away but i live in ny

  6. honestly, under the constitution and the way this country was originally set up (and since most of our founding fathers were doing drugs)-they aren't supposed to be able to do anything to you. BUT, the government found a way around us keeping certain rights-either way, they love to bust kids with drugs so they can put it in the paper and make a big show about nothing. my advice, don't get caught.

  7. Well, it depends on the state you live in.  Some states charge 15 year olds as adult and if you have enough weed on you (2+ baggies) you could be charged with intent to sell.  If so, you could face a felony conviction & sentencing, which can be up to 15 years in some states.  Plus, possession of an illegal substance can make you un-hire-able by millions of companies, forcing you to take lower paying, less responsible jobs since felons are not a protected class.  If you're convicted with 3 felonies of ANY kind in some states, you go to prison for life.  NO JOKE.  They're called "3 strikes you're out" states.  

    The best case scenario I've seen with friends when I was in high school (back in the day) was 3 friends got caught, charged with an MIP (Minor in Possession) and were not allowed to get their driver's license until they were 21.  Not cool to be a cheerleader and unable to drive, huh?  Plus all the fines, community service, weekly classes for a year, lawyers, etc....  

    I personally don't care about the stuff but I know Mr. Lawman does.

  8. Usually probation in most cases depending on the amount found and the criminal history of each one involved.  The police arrest you and then release you to your parents or legal guardian sometimes you are released on house arrest until you go to court again.  

    I will say my step-brother was 15 when he got busted across the street from the school and they found 1 joint on him and he got 2 years probation, $200 fine plus court costs and spent 2 nights in JDC plus had to attend classes about drug use and he was put on house arrest for 3 months.  

  9. I'd advise you to do it in a safe place like your friends house.

    trust me, getting caught by the cops is a h**l of a lot worse than getting caught by your parents.

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