
What would happen if a king/queen was g*y? could there be Queen & Queen or King & King?

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What would happen if a king/queen was g*y? could there be Queen & Queen or King & King?




  1. u don't get a  g*y queen shes a L*****n go back two bed

  2. That would just not happen, they would proberly be assinated before it would happen!

  3. Homo- or bisexual British monarchs seem to have happened. It's not certain about all of them, because they didn't do it in Westminster Abbey with the choir singing or with a brass band playing in the Horse Guards. But we're on fairly safe ground with:

    1.....William II (Rufus) No wife, no children, no mistresses. Said by monks of his own day to have lived an abominable life - if that's evidence.

    2.....Richard ! (Lionheart) Married, but no children. Alleged to have been in love with a singer (Blondel) who after Richard was kidnapped located him by singing a love-song outside the dungeon; Richard replied by singing alternate verses.

    3)....Edward II. Married, father of Edward III. Probably bisexual and in love with Piers Gaveston. Gruesomely murdered (buggered with a red-hot spit, so we're told) after being deposed by his wife and her lover.

    4).....James I and VI. Definitely bisexual; married and a father, but also openly had "favourites."

    5).....Queen Anne. Had a relationship, probably L*****n (read their letters!), with Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough.

    6).....Edward VIII was rumoured in his youth to be bisexual, but I have no information; it was probably just malicious gossip. He settled down with Wallis Simpson, but no children.

    So those who say that a g*y king would have problems being accepted have just one example on their side. Generally it seems to have been don't ask, don't tell. Just get on with it in privacy.

    As for heirs, who cares? There's always a next in line to the throne. We don't need a son/daughter at all.

  4. do u honestly think tht they wud allow that?? u knw wot s****. ppl r like these days....they think its all wrong but its not

    ppl hav their own choices n if they love the same gender then thats their choice


  5. We have had several g*y kings. Richard I, Edward II and James I (aka James VI of Scotland) were all of that persuasion.

  6. I don't think that's ever gonna happen any time soon...

  7. Edward II was thought to have been a  homosexual. He married providing an heir then, I think, was subsequently murdered.

    Today he would just be expected to perform his duty and be discrete about any other activity.

  8. some g*y still have children thru surrogate mothers. so it is no exception for a king or queen.

  9. In this day and age highly likely; but getting a heir would require turkey basters..

  10. no that wont happen

  11. Who is to say that there have never been any?

    They are, after all, mere mortals like us. With the same attributes.

    Historically, monarchs married to forge stronger alliances rather than for love so the possibility has always been there.

    Monarchy is an anachronism in a modern age anyway and is no longer relevant in a society such as ours. They merely serve to fill the gossip columns and celebrity based magazines.

  12. They'd be killed off just like they did with Diana.

  13. There have been g*y kings and queens, too many for me to list for you here.  They got married as expected for the public and did what they wanted in private.

  14. wouldnt be allowed.

  15. Assuming it is the British monarchy, I think it would fall under the same rules as the monarch can't be Catholic.  Just a guess.

  16. It depends on the country in question.  In Britain, for example, sodomy is legal and there would be no legal reason he or she couldn't reign.  However, full homosexual marriage is not legal there, so the king/queen's spouse would not be referred to as a king or queen consort.

    British law also requires that the heir to the throne be a natural-born and legitimate descendent of the monarch.  Between the lack of g*y marriage and the impossibility of having a natural born child of one's g*y spouse, the throne would therefore have to descend through the g*y monarch's siblings or other relatives.

  17. well i think that this wouldnt be allowed in todays democratic soceity so its not a problem,and also were USA and we dont have them lol so i doesnt really matter.

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