
What would happen if a nuclear war starts?

by Guest45082  |  earlier

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in all the fields : economics , social etc

if europe is attacked by a nuclear nuke will it be the chaos ? people will be obligated to stay home for how long ?




  1. if the dem get in office and if we are attack with a nuke

    weapon OB will go to the UN and ask them to do something

    and the UN will say> T" Sh*t" and OB will say  we must talk about it.the Dem. will do nothing but put a whit flag up..

  2. Air burst? Ground burst? Lots of people will die. Most likely a full scale nuclear attack will target cities.  Millions will die in seconds. We get to watch from the USA.  

  3. World will be like Fallout :)

  4. if obama wins we will all be dead.. if mccain wins we will have bunkers under the ground and we will end up like in the movie blast from the past.. alsooo there would be chaos, we would be broke, and it would be the end of the world. Other than that not much lol

  5. Nothing - it just conventional warfare - terrorism is unconventional.

    Well, first you get the flash followed by the bang.

    Then comes the back blast - within - depends on how far you are(make sure you count the seconds from when you see it till you hear it - you have to be standing and looking at the flash when it happens for it to be accurate).

    Then the most important is the fall out, you can stand under anything that is not metal.  

    Now why does it always have to be Russia first. Last I recall, it was Rumsfield who wanted to start a tactical nuke warhead - such as bomblets. It has always been US Doctrine to escalate use of force if it feels threatened by a superior force.

  6. Well, if we have a democrat president, we would all burn up & be over run by the country who attacked us.  

  7. Basically, If anyone, from any country, fires off A nuclear Missile the world will end, because.... It would be a chain reaction of people launching A bombs, first russia, then China, then The U.S., it would all be over, just remember, it would take around 10 Nuclear missiles to end the world... montana alone has enough to end life 50 times over...........


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