
What would happen if a small fly went up my nose?

by Guest33193  |  earlier

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A little while ago, a very small fly (about 3mm long) went up my nose. I have no idea if it went out or not. Can it damage my internal organs?




  1. If its in there you would feel it. Blow your nose.

    Warble fly? The warble fly would lay eggs on your shin and then you would need to l**k them off and swallow them.

  2. You'll be fine.

  3. Haha, this happened to my grandma once. The fly went in her nose and out her mouth. Or maybe it was the other way around...

    No damage will be done because the acid in your body will kill it. :)

  4. The fly will probably die. Unless it's a Warble fly. Then, it lays eggs; then things get really bad. Probably isn't, though.

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