
What would happen if a student kick a teacher...?

by  |  earlier

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...and this teacher expelled the student of the school?

The British justice supports the student or the teacher?

(Excuse my terrible English)




  1. If a student kicks a teacher and the student gets expelled from school, my response would be to clap. The British system of justice supports victims .... the student kicked the teacher so the student is the aggressor and the teacher is the victim.

  2. They'd be suspended - the student, that is

  3. OT3

    75 million years ago the galatic overlord Xenu felt that his planets were over populated so he gathered up aliens into his DC8 rocket ship fleet and droped them into various volcanos and then blew them up with H-bombs. The souls were then collected and brainwashed(including being emplanted with 'R6') and tricked into believeing a false reality. 75 milliion years later these brainwashed alien ghosts(called body thetans) attached themselves to humans and are still the cos of all our fear. Scientology need a kicking

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