
What would happen if a tornado crossed the equator?

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Would it rotate counter clockwise or clockwise?




  1. well, the equator is really an invisible line, so it probably wouldn't change.. until after a while..

  2. Now thats one interesting Question i think i will be the first one to see what it does tornadoes are so wild you never  know and our weather these days is wild too.

  3. Well here is an truthful answer. First of all, any cyclonic system can actually cross the equator, but it will not change direction of rotation unless it moves away far enough from the equator. For instance, hurricanes have formed in the northern hemishpere in the Atlantic Ocean, have gone below the equator, but they can not change rotation. I beleiver that unless you get at least a ten degree (in terms of latitude) difference from the equator, a cyclonic system will not change direction. So, IF a tornado were to cross the equator, unless it can go down to ten degrees below or above the equator or so, it will not change direction. The correalis effect is not strong enough near the equator and this effect had a larger influence the further away you go from the equator.

  4. A cyclone, hurricane, typhoon or simply an equtorial low pressure will never cross the equator. They might be born near the equator but in that unstable condition, they will always move north or south of it without crossing the equator.

    While most tornados spin cyclonically, some spin anti-cyclonically. If it crosses the equator, it will continue doing so. The Coriolis effect of the earth rotation affects mainly big and lasting systems like lows and sea currents.

    The idea that the water when drained in your sink turns clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on your hemisphere is simply an urban legend.

  5. The same direction is was moving before it crossed the equator. Remember, the equator is an imaginary line, which means technically, it doesn't exist. That would be the same thing asking "What would happen if a tornado crossed the border between Vermont, and New Hampshire" Hoped I helped! :)

  6. OMG!  I have absolutely no idea but will be watching this question to see how others answer it!  Fascinating question!

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