
What would happen if all UK residents just stopped in bed?

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What would happen if all UK residents just stopped in bed?




  1. That would be fun

  2. British industry maintains itself by having workers on a strict routine, like pubs and bars closing down after 11pm, so that emploees can rest.

    Should that routine fail, the whole industrial sector will fall apart, at least for the time this failure occurs.

  3. Stopped what in bed?  Stopped sleeping?  Do you mean 'stayed in bed?'  I bet your Northern aren't you?  If every one stayed in bed then not alot would happen!  people would get hungry and covered in their own waste products, but appart from that everything will be fine!

  4. There is propaganda about people living on sickness benefits. Some junior Government Minister kicks off a media debate with a carefully crafted argument and newspapers like The Sun and The Daily Mirror make it seem like an epidemic.

    Hitler didn't just attack Jews. He despised the old, sick, disabled, mentally deficient, g*y etc and we now live in a society that bullies the poor, sick, different and needy because it interferes with our collective greed.

    We are becoming a less tolerant society generally and I for one think we should stay in bed.........not just for the sake of it though. Let it be on the day voting begins for the general election. That way they will get the message they are no longer leading us and they would have to change.

  5. it would be the biggest sicky on record ....BRING IT ON!!!!!!!

  6. lol i would like to find out! Wouldn't that just really mess the government up!!!

    something like this should be arranged!

    Like a mass strike!

  7. the birth rate would go up

  8. Stopped what in bed ??? Hey Duncan T--- Whats it got to do withy northern, do southerners never go to bed   , maybe they just sleep on park benches !!!  The question is for all uk residents .

  9. We'd probably be invaded by France, who would then pass new laws making it illegal to stay in bed.

  10. half of us do already!

  11. Nothing - all the work's being done by immigrants now isn't it?  The Brits are either retired, studying, in jail, unemployed or unemployable.

  12. All those immigration planes from Pakistan would be left circling over Heathrow

  13. i'd be happy

  14. according to stats regarding sickness and incapacity  benifit  it seems like 50 % of the country is anyway!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. It would be fun, and just think what it would do for our carbon footprint! no car,electric ect, so good for the environment, i think we should lobby our goverment and have it made compulsory!! lol

  16. most of us wouldn't be answering this question !                     not a dish would get washed !

    we would all go hungry !

    we would get no mail !

    girls wouldn''t shop !

    so on and so on !

    OMG !!

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