
What would happen if all USA presidential successors died?

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What would happen if there was a catastrophe at the United States of America's Capitol that killed the president and all potential successors, and something also killed the "designated survivor"?




  1. Great thing is we have a fallback to speak, if the president dies, we have the VP, if the VP dies, speaker of the house, it just keeps going down the line of government officials, I doubt that such an event will ever happen thought *knock on wood*

  2. mankind would have hope

  3. The constitution allows for this by allowing the queen of England (Elton John) to accede to being the head of state.

  4. There is a chain of designated survivors...and the US government has different safe guards for each successor to ensure the survival of at least this situation is improbable....however (contrary to what most non US citizens think) in the event that this actually did occur....someone would take 'charge' and when order was restored we would vote again.

  5. Something sensible might finally start being done!

  6. You need to go back to High School and take a simple Civics class... the order of succession will just keep going through the Senators then the Congressmen and, if it's bad enough... the guy who sweeps the floors in the Washington Monument could end up being president... but there wouldn't be any country left to be president OF.  

    I remember discussing this in my High School Civics class WHEN I WAS FOURTEEN YEARS OLD.

  7. I would run the government until we figured something out.

  8. There would be a national holiday

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