
What would happen if ceres- the biggest asteroid hits earth?

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What would happen if ceres- the biggest asteroid hits earth?




  1. Hmmm well i thik the earth will be destroyed (same with the humans and animals) cause u said the keyword Ceres - the biggest asteroid ^^

  2. it would mean the end of humanity and possibly the end of life on earth, you know what wiped out the dinosaurs and that rock was smaller than Ceres from what i know.

  3. It would evaporate all the oceans and then re-liquefy all the rock in the Earth's crust, causing a substantial reduction in real estate values.

  4. interesting question!

    but u dnt need a big comet for total destruction.. hehe. a comet that big could destroy earth with ease

  5. we're screwed

  6. Simple.

    The Earth would be totally f**ked.

    The Earth would remould into a superhot ball of magma, quite larger than before, most likely orbited by another ring which would eventually coalesce into another moon. The surface would eventually become solid, and then who knows?

  7. Play around with this website, it's awesome!

    I put in Ceres' diameter (about 950 km) and density (about 2077 kg/m^3) and use the 'typical' impact values (17 km/s at 45 degrees.)  I selected an impact on sedimentary rock 5,000 miles away.  Here are the effects I would feel:


    - Energy before atmospheric entry: 1.35 x 1029 Joules = 3.22 x 1013 MegaTons TNT

    - The average interval between impacts of this size is longer than the Earth's age.

    - Such impacts could only occur during the accumulation of the Earth, between 4.5 and 4 billion years ago.

    Major Global Changes:

    - The Earth is not strongly disturbed by the impact and loses negligible mass.

    - The impact does not make a noticeable change in the Earth's rotation period or the tilt of its axis.

    - The impact does not shift the Earth's orbit noticeably.

    Crater Dimensions:

    - Final Crater Diameter: 5300 km = 3290 miles

    - Final Crater Depth: 3.91 km = 2.43 miles

    Thermal Radiation:

    - Time for maximum radiation: 603 seconds after impact

    - Your position is inside the fireball. (eep!  Even 5,000 miles from impact!)

    - The fireball appears 164 times larger than the sun

    Effects of Thermal Radiation:

    - Clothing ignites

    - Much of the body suffers third degree burns

    - Newspaper ignites

    - Plywood flames

    - Deciduous trees ignite

    - Grass ignites

    Seismic Effects:

    - The major seismic shaking will arrive at approximately 1610 seconds.

    - Richter Scale Magnitude: 13.6 (This is greater than any earthquake in recorded history)

    Mercalli Scale Intensity at a distance of 8050 km:

    - VII. Damage negligible in buildings of good design and construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable damage in poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken.

    - VIII. Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable damage in ordinary substantial buildings with partial collapse. Damage great in poorly built structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks, columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture overturned.


    - The ejecta will arrive approximately 2670 seconds after the impact.

    - Average Ejecta Thickness: 256 m = 841 ft (This is the size of the rocks that would be falling from the sky!!!)

    Air Blast:

    - The air blast will arrive at approximately 24400 seconds.

    - Max wind velocity: 3160 m/s = 7080 mph

    - Sound Intensity: 144 dB (Dangerously Loud)

    Damage Description:

    - Multistory wall-bearing buildings will collapse.

    - Wood frame buildings will almost completely collapse.

    - Multistory steel-framed office-type buildings will suffer extreme frame distortion, incipient collapse.

    - Highway truss bridges will collapse.

    - Highway girder bridges will collapse.

    - Glass windows will shatter.

    - Cars and trucks will be largely displaced and grossly distorted and will require rebuilding before use.

    - Up to 90 percent of trees blown down; remainder stripped of branches and leaves.

    In short, bad things would happen :P Remember, this is the calculated effects *5,000 miles away from the impact site!*

    Try putting different things into that website, it's pretty cool.

  8. The shock would effectively destroy every known feature on the surface of the Earth, and kill essentially all terrestrial life forms. Only microbes deep under the Earth's surface would stand a chance of surviving. Much of the Earth's crust would be blasted away into space, forming a ring of debris which would eventually either fall back onto the Earth, be swept up by the Moon, or escape into interplanetary space. The surface of the Earth would revert to something like it was about four billion years ago, when it was still forming from the rocks and gas of the young Solar System. For a short period after the impact, the energy would radiate off into space, shining down on the other planets of the Solar System like a second Sun. Eventually, once it had cooled, any life forms that may have survived on space rocks might get lucky and be able to recolonize the Earth's surface, however they would be unlikely to evolve into another intelligent civilization before the heating of the Sun fried it all in another few billion years.

  9. Nice Question!

    I think that if it hit the earth , it would cause great damage on all of us.. Because its huge! It will destroy the human race.. If its too deep then the lava would come out and the earth will have no life. If it hits the oceans like the pacific ocean then there will be floods all over the world and again the human and animal and aquatic life will be destroyed.

    So concluding my answer I would say that it will certainly in any way will cause destruction..

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