
What would happen if every person in the country who are on the dole & sick turned up @ their ........?

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local jobcentre tommorow morning wanting work could the goverenment cater for them ? is there a job for every citizen in the country. I say this regarding the latest brainwave by labour trying to get the unemployed and sick working again.

Could this country cope with every person employed and where do all these jobs come from . Is it a realistic what they are proposing ?

By work i mean payed work at a legal hourly rate.




  1. I personally do not care. The spongers are taking my money in tax's therefore I expect them to get off their backsides & do something. If that means doing something for the community then so be it. If they want to sit on thier backsides then I will have my tax's back...thanks very much.

    Edit:-I think the spongers are out in force to night trying to justify there sponging. I have seen lots of sponging with my own eyes. The fraud that takes place is epidemic.

  2. You have to admit it isn't the brightest plan Gordon has come up with, but then again he's the chancellor that cashed in the Nations pensions.

    All the unemployed females young enough are going to turn up pregnant by the father with no name. Unless Gordon is proposing bringing back the poor house, he's suddenly costing us more.

    He's not suggesting conscription even though the armed forces are wafer thin on the ground at present.

    What he is proposing is a scheme put forward by the Conservatives, but they aren't elected to power either.

    I've got a mate working in a factory that is laying off 20% of the work force next week, but the dole is sending people for work expierience, (free labour), how perverse is that?

    And if per chance the muppet did get everybody working in a recession that would increase the cost of living by demand and those on what's left of the National pension would starve or die of hypothermia.

    At least Tony was a smiling assasin!

  3. is there enough work there to employ them??

  4. and here we go....the old unemployment crud again

    it is a well known fact that to have a stable economy one must have in the country between 4-7% unemployed

    now of course the stupid tarts who comment on here like Unemployed are lazy, cannot see past their own blinkers on this because they have just read a government spin and drawn their own conclusion

    to them i ask

    Since when can you believe anything that your government has told you lately?


    Since when has it become PC to force people who are sick [with medical notes...notes from proffessional Doctors] back to work.


    It is illigal to employ or seek employment whilst sick [it is in the UK still]


    in one area alone that i know of there are over 8000 unemployed yet on record on average the unemployment office has never had more than 800 jobs available


    when unemployment benifit was first introduced it was said that this was an insurance against times when there would be no work and that this insurance is covered by the tax you pay thus receiving unemployment benifit in those day you were a 'Claiment' and NOT as today a 'Client'

    you will note the difference in the two words claiment and client small as they are the differences are vast

    a claiment is someone who makes a claim to something they are entitled to and a client has no rights until he receives something

    I can assure you the the government has NO intention of reaching its spin goal of full employment because the kick on effect of that would be soaring wage rises which inturn would make everything more expensive which inturn would raise the cost of living which inturn would mean you would end up paying at the least more council tax and probably an increase in other taxes too

    so to all those people whose sole answer to anything in life is 'Get a Job' i suggest quite politely you do some real research and not act like the lemmings the goverment wishes you to be because it really does make you look foolish.

  5. exactly, there just isnt enough work around is there? some people are on the sick for a genuine reason and can not work because of it. x

  6. Would you employ one of life's slackers?....I know i wouldn't....

  7. It is just another excuse to force people to do unpaid or underpaid work.How would those in work now like it if they were told they had to do their job for approx fifty quid a week & if they miss a day their money/pay gets stopped.How would they like it if their employer got a load of cheap "job scheme" staff in & then laid off other workers on a normal wage.How would they like it if they were told they can't have a pay rise because someone doing the same work is working for a lot less.?

  8. There are plenty of jobs out there if you include voluntary work.  Almost all disabled people CAN do something, with the exception of brain damaged people, even if it just means talking on a telephone.   If that means doing voluntary work but being payed by means of benefit then they are technically being employed and at least doing something to earn their money.  Why should people live for free?

  9. The only way this could be done is to over man every available job, which then means that prices will go up.  There is no easy answer to this problem.

  10. If there aren't enough jobs then such people could do voluntary work in exchange for the benefits they are already receiving, that would be fair in my opinion.

  11. we managed it the 1960's with full employment.

  12. not that I mind either way but figure just a couple of things when there must be more what if disability didnt provide cars then  salesmen mechanics garages office staff production line workers component parts workers tax office  fuel refineries and on it goes sometimes what seems a little unfair can be crucial to the economy

    edit filya funny story just after the war  a car manufacturer advertised for any lazy loafers and he would employ them which he did when asked why he simply said cos if there is an easy way round something they find it

  13. yeah labour the so called champions of the poor,now their the bully boys who kick cripples for fun

    no way is there enough work,its all been snapped up by polish people

    brown is trying to be a hitler thatcher,what next poll tax reserected

    this is what you get for being far out and pc correct

    so i suffer angina,i miss doing heavy work,so im branded by labour as work shy ,greediest bunch of free loaders youll ever come accross

    all the agencys killed off buildiing labourers,agency gets 8gbp per labourer ,they then pay the labourer the min wage,reaping in vast profits

    old bag thatcher will be proud of brown

  14. well, every year around 500,000 Polish people manage to find jobs in the UK.  Funny then how the British can't.  If you are an able bodied person then it's not unreasonable to expect them to work rather than live of benefits kindly paid for by those who work hard - including myself.  Given the laziness of many people in this country - I think it highly unlikely they will all decide they want jobs - they will be busy thinking of more excuses not to work.

    EDIT:  to the absolute idiot below - ah well, I shall just carry on paying for the benefit cheats then shall I?  Yeh, let them carry on laughing in the face of people who pay for their "living".  The people I have a problem with are those totally capable of working but just can't be bothered because the benefits are so good - in my book that is bone idle or dare I say it, LAZY.

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