
What would happen if i got sucked up by a tornado with a parachute ready would it work?

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What would happen if i got sucked up by a tornado with a parachute ready would it work?




  1. probably not as , if you survived the entry into the funnel

    which rotates at 100 mph you would get sucked up into the upper levels of the cloud layer  5000 to 10000ft

    your parachute would have been ripped off by the transverse wind shear at the funnel boundary

    oh yeah most people sucked into a tornado die before reaching the centre

  2. I think u won't survival after being sucked in.

  3. Unfortunately you would die.  The winds in and around a tornado are to strong and variable.  the result is a collapsed canopy and you plumit back to the ground.

    Skydivers have to watch out for high ends in general and also for dust devils or any "spinning" wind column.  They kill.

  4. I agree the parachute is irrelevant.  A tornado is not like a vaccuum, it's a rotating funnel of very high winds, and things do not get sucked up into the cloud they get tossed outwards from the tornado.  If you weren't killed by all the other debris flying around you could count yourself a very lucky individual.

  5. I do not know  if the parachute would work. BUT. Have you ever read the Laura Ingals stories. There was one kid survived from tornado and got back to the earth without any single thread and clothes even his shoes. She wrote it on one of her book long time ago.

  6. you may get blown away by the shear force of the winds outside the tornado but having your parachute work in the tornado would be you least worry because you and the parachute would get sucked in toward the middle of the tornado and be severely mangled by the flying debris.


    if you really want to, then try it out and tell us all about it.

  7. With a suit like this one:

    and oxygen bottle, you might succeed. But remember to not open your chute before you're out of the tornado. Some years ago, a frozen body attached to a parachute was found in the Swiss Alps. It was a glider pilot who got into a very strong convective system and kept rising and rising, until he decided to jump with his parachute.

    That is the reason glider pilots wear parachute; if the ascending air is too strong, they can't get out of it.

    But his parachute didn't help and he kept rising until reaching the top of that convective cell, near the tropopause where the temperature is about -40 C. Then his frozen dead body came back to earth once outside the convection.

  8. try it and get back to us

  9. You would be like a frog in a blender, the parachute is irrelevant.

  10. No it would not.  Either the intense winds would destroy the chute or they would suck you up into the vortex because of the vacumme created.

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