
What would happen if i put a mentos in my mouth nd then drank coke?

by  |  earlier

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would anything dangerous happen? haha




  1. Bite the bullet and try it yourself,  then you can tell us what will happen  LOL

  2. it would go fizzy, and that's it.

  3. It would come out your nose. I burst out laughing with tea in my mouth and it came out my nose.

    If you put mentos IN your coke it and shook it, it would fizz right up.

  4. You would have a chewy cool mint coke.

  5. this is very dangerous u can kill urself doing that and if u search on the net u will find that this combination of coke and mint will make a larga amount of foam. u can give it a try just put a packet of mint inside a coke bottle and watch what happens this is exactly what will happen to u.  

  6. i did that once... minty coke fizz choked me, then FLEW outta my mouth and nose!

    [hurt like a *****, too.]

    it was pretty funny lookin, though. i'm sure there are TONS of videos of it on youtube or something... check it out! [should be good for some laughs, if anything!]

  7. your head will explode.  

  8. Haha i dont know.

    Maybe you should get someone you hate to try it out.

  9. This:

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