
What would happen if i put red food dye in my eye?

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What would happen if i put red food dye in my eye?




  1. It would sting a lot & probably just turn a little pink for a few minutes. After that your eye would just automatically flush out the be prepared for watery eyes!!

    I wouldn't suggest doing though.

  2. read the lable on the box

  3. It would hurt probably

    Please don't try it.

  4. not sure but i dont think t hats a good idea

  5. I understand your curiosity, but I don't suggest you try it-- but you probably already know that. I think it would hurt a little bit, and maybe even give you an infection. It would probably turn the whites of your eyes pink or red. It may even stain for a bit, who knows? I hope that helped to answer your question.

    ~La Tua Cantante~

  6. Hey,

    You would turn to Dracula

  7. You become even more of a r****d.

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