
What would happen if i stuck a fork in an electrical outlet?

by  |  earlier

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  1. depends

    Really, it does depend on a number of factors, the results could be nothing, or it could kill you and burn down your house, or most likely, somewhere in between.

  2. you are too young or dum-a-s-s

  3. You could win a Darwin award!

    Well maybe not, it's not creative enough.

  4. are you serious!????

  5. Worst case: death.

    Best case: nothing.

    Worst case could happen if your hands are covered in salt water, and one hand puts the fork in one side, and the other hand inserts a knife or spoon in the other.

    Best case could happen if you are wearing rubber gloves, rubber boots, and the fork only touches one conductor, or if the breaker or fuse is open.

  6. You do not want to put a fork in an electrical outlet. If you are having a problem please allow a professional electrican to handle.

  7. bad things......

  8. You'd get electocuted.

  9. One less defect in the gene pool...

  10. With a dry linen you can pull out the fork and you won't get electrocuted. The alternative is with an insulated plier, you can pull out the fork without electrocution. If you are not familiar don't play with electrical outlets.

  11. I have several switched outlets in my house.  So, i plugged in a lamp and showed that the light can go on (switch on the wall plus the switch on the lamp are both on). I switched off the socket at the wall. Then i unplugged the lamp, and plugged in my voltmeter - which is rated for wall current.  I switched on the socket, and got good readings for the wall current.  Note, since i was nowhere near the socket when it was turned on, there was no chance of electrical shock.

    One of the experiments was to try various resistors.  Some of the low resistance/low wattage resistors caught fire.  I quickly turned off the wall switch - it went out.  Turn it back on, it caught fire.  I've invented an electric lighter!  Some high resistance resistors didn't even get hot.

    There's also a great set of experiments to show that common vegetables, like cucumbers and such, can act as diodes in the face of high wattage high amperage DC., at least for short periods.  It does smell a bit, though.

    It's handy to do the math first, so you have some idea what to expect.

    Be safe out there.

  12. Most forks are larger than the openings in the outlet. If however you used something skinnier like a paper clip and stuck it in the live wire side while your body was grounded by touching the neutral wire side or by touching a metal place like a pipe the odds are almost certain that you will receive a burn and that the current flow through your body will kill you. If you are considering that  then your mommy should get child proof covers for the outlets to keep you from trying that at home.

  13. While I have never stuck a fork in an electrical socket I did put a paper clip in one when I was in high school.  I had enough sense to use a comb to hold the paper clip as I inserted it into the outlet.  The result was a tripped breaker, a scorch mark on the outlet, and an evacuation of the hall where the class was.  I was never found out.  If you do this on a GFI protected outlet you should trip the GFI if any of the current goes through you.  On a standard outlet the breaker may trip but it will act too slow to help you but it should keep the house from burning down around your body.

  14. you would get electrocuted , fall to the ground, and probably get nasty burns.... you might Even go unconscious

  15. ########################################...


  16. nothing...

    as long as...

    a) the power switch for that socket is off

    b) the power socket is not connected to the mains (broken wires or you just bought a new one and its still in the package)

    c) the socket is connected but there is no power supply from the power company

    d) you are usng a plastic fork

    e) you are wearing thick electricians gloves

    and finally

    f) you are just trying to scare us and are'nt going to do it anyway...

  17. I think you already did because some of your questions are off the wall

  18. You'd be hot!

  19. don not even try you can be electrocuted specially if you are standing on wet area.

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