
What would happen if i took all these pills at the same time??

by  |  earlier

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i have

naproxen 500 mg each

naproxen sodium tablets 220 mg each

ibuprofen tablets 200 mg each

asprin 300 mg each

what would happen if i took a few of each? also what do you think would happen if i took some of these and then smoked weed?

i know some of you will think im crazy but i really want to know. if anybody erally knows what happens when you take all those drugs like that, it would be great if you would tell me. thx :)




  1. prob die or overdoes

  2. you would die bye bye you

  3. Naproxen and naproxen sodium are basically the same thing.  I don't know if those doses combined would lead to an overdose or not, but with the other drugs I doubt it would matter.

    Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen all irritate the stomach lining.  At the very least you would get a very bad case of indigestion or reflux, but you could also wind up with an ulcer or a perforated ulcer, which is basically a hole in your we're talking surgery to correct it, while hoping you don't get peritonitis (an abdominal infection) from whatever was in your stomach at the time leaking into your abdominal cavity.  Peritonitis can lead to sepsis (what some call blood poisoning) because it's very difficult to treat sometimes, and sepsis can very well kill you.  

    All three drugs also thin the blood, which means if they are taken in high enough doses--especially together--can cause internal bleeding from the thinned blood leaking out of capillary walls.  If you doubt it, this can kill you pretty quickly.

    My guess would be that if you took all three together you would be feeling too sick to worry about smoking some weed.  Even if you did, they aren't going to enhance its effects.  There's no kind of high you would get from the three together, so the weed would have no effect on them either.

    It would be a really, really, dumb thing to do.  Period.

  4. ............You're right, I do think you're crazy.

  5. Wow... wouldn't it be easier to just smoke ur pot???? U must wanna get really, really sick or die.. thats dumb.

  6. I'm no doctor, but I don't think any of that would hurt you.

  7. You wind up in the  intensive care unit in the hospital.  Each one has side effects on its own and each one interacts with one another.  And you could die.

  8. Both naproxen and aspirin are very hard on the stomach, you would end up with a wicked stomach ache, very possibly puke. You won't get high if that's what you are after.  

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