
What would happen if i travel to Ireland?

by  |  earlier

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plan on visting Ireland next year... dont want to come back ... could i survive




  1. no reason you can't. do some research.

  2. LOL I used to be so obsessed with Japan that I, too, wanted to travel there and never look back, even if it meant that I had to be a homeless person.

    ...but then I saw the light.

  3. you must be able to prove that you can live and contribute to ireland without working for three years, in other need lots of money.

    otherwise if they catch you after 3months(if all you have is a tourist visa)they will send you packing and you'll never be able to return. seriously

    unless you marry, or if your irish heritage is very close, like if you g-ma or g-pa were born in IE you can get dual residency

  4. the lepercauns will kidnap ya

  5. You need to get in touch with Irish Customs and have all of your paper work ready.

    Also will be dependent on what country your coming from.

    I'm pretty sure Ireland will make it easy for you.

    As long as you don't have any felony's against you.

    Most country's won't allow a felon in even on a short visa.

    Again you'll need to do some research.

    That should help you out.

    One of the first things you'll have to do is find a job.

    Also see what would be available.

    Ireland is a beautiful country.

    I've been a few times.

    I know in the United States there is no duel residency anymore.

    You would have to give up your US Citizenship if your a US resident.

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