
What would happen if i was found carrying a gun ( for prottection) and it had not been used?

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yeah i know i would be arrested but what would happen to me?




  1. You would be arrested for carrying a concealed weapon

  2. go to prison,whether you had it for protection or not.if kids are going to get a sentance for carring a knife then a gun is just as bad maybe worse in the courts eyes.people have had 5yr sentance for carring a gun.what would you tell the courts oh i was carrying one but never had any intention on using it?why carry it then

  3. Depends where you live.  In a law and order state like Texas, probably not much.  In criminal friendly places like Washington D.C., you are in deep kimchee.

  4. Unless you have a license to carry a gun, you could be arrested. Now and days, people get really nervous being around people with guns so they'll panic and call the police.

    Take my advice, unless you have a license, don't carry around a gun;maybe a knife or a tasor.

  5. if you had the proper permit for it then nothing would happen

  6. if found guilty you  could spend a couple of years in jail

  7. I doubt that you saying carrying it for your own protection would really cut much slack with the Judge (If it was a real gun that is).

    I have absolutely no doubt that you would be looking at a custodial sentence.

  8. You would be arrested and if you can't prove your innocence you'll be put on trial and most probably condemned.

  9. You would be arrested, taken to court for possession of a unlicensed firearm and booked into one of Her Majesty's Hotels for some time (would a year in December suit?).

    What should happen, is that the police should take you from where they found you, don't bother with the expense of a trial and sling you into a prison for 10 years hard labour whatever feeble excuse was used, but it wont.

  10. Depends on what state you are in, your age, if you have been convicted of a felony in the past.  Some states have open carry laws.  It's legal to carry a gun cowboy style in the open.

  11. dump the thinng might not want to use it but if it gets in to the hands of someone else..u never know..and dont dump it where some 1 can find it ..mayb hand it in...and if u want protection go 2 clases lyk kick boxing..self defence...

  12. If you had a concealed weapon permit you'd be fine.  As long as it was registered you might get a slap on the wrist and a fine.

  13. You would be arrested (and rightly so). In the UK the carrying of handguns by civilians is an offence, whether they have been used or not. If you're intending to carry it for protection then, presumably, you're intending to use it, if you consider it necessary.

    You'd do well to re-think this one!

  14. In the UK

    If it wasn't licensed you would be arrested.


  15. In UK, it's a mandatory 5 years

  16. First off, what would happen would depend on several factors...your age (are you under 18?), your local/state laws (is possession of a firearm prohibited? is it being carried concealed/carried openly and is a permit required or not?, where are you carrying it (hint: not in a school or courthouse))

    , etc...

    Secondly though, if you have no intention of ever using it, why carry it? I carry on a daily basis. And while I hope I never have to use my gun, I have every intention of using it if necessary...if it means saving the the life of myself, a loved one, or someone else in eminent danger I will use it.

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