
What would happen if nukes went off in the earths core?

by Guest61978  |  earlier

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i was watching the movie: the core. and they set off a chain reaction of nuclear bombs in the earths core. would the earth blow up? what would happen? an ideas




  1. The core is already a large nuclear reactor.  That is the source of the Earth's internal heat.

    All of the nuclear bombs would not even faze the Earth

  2. the earth might have cracks,

  3. Naturally-occurring earth phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are thousands or even millions of times more powerful than human-made nuclear bombs, yet the Earth is able to withstand the torture.

    The Earth will not blow up. I doubt if the effect will even be felt by the populace.

  4. I'm not a geophysicist but I'm pretty sure the earth wouldn't blow up (you'd probably have to replace the entire core with a lot of really powerful explosives to do that).   In reality if people could drill that far down (not that they ever could) and did set off some nukes, it would have little, if any, effect since all the effects would be absorbed by the outer core and mantel.

  5. nothing the core is to big for a explosion that small to stop it the core movie is just fiction

  6. Human can kill the human. Human can not destroy the earth.But they can spoil the earth.

  7. Gravity is so massive there that there would be little or no effect whatsoever!!!

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